
Remove Rotten Egg Smell from Hotwater

Tips From Users Like You?

How to get rid of Rotten Egg smell in Hotwater



Things You'll Need

  • Blade type screwdriver, Thermometer
    • 1
      Increasing the temperature of the hot water in your tank will kill the bacteria that are releasing Hydrogen Sulfide into your water supply. To do this you will need to turn up the thermostat on the hot water tank.
      Locate the thermostat control, usually behind a cover plate close to the base of the heater.
    • 2
      The thermostat control usually accepts a blade type screw driver. Clockwise rotation increases the temperature. Note the current location of the control. Turn up heat 1 to 2 increments (about 5 degrees).
    • 3
      After the hot water temp stabilizes (Hot water heater kicks off), test temperature to make sure it is not scalding hot.
      Replace cover and wait a couple days for bacteria to die off and to cycle water through the tank. If your in a hurry to get results, you could drain your tank.
    • 4
      If after a few days you still have Sulfur Smell repeat the process. Be careful not to turn up too high. There are scalding water charts available on the internet (Honeywell has an excellent one). Children and the elderly are more susceptible to scalding.

Tips & Warnings

  • We used to have flush our hot water tank every two weeks to get rid of the stinky water. Several years ago we installed an outside wood boiler that heats our house and hot water tank. The hot water temperature went up significantly and our stinky water went away. When I switched back to propane in the spring the stinky water came back. I tried increasing the tank temperature and sure enough the problem went away. This saved us the expense of installing a chlorinator.
  • To reduce the risk of scalding You will want to do this in small temperature increments. To further reduce the risk of scalding you could add a thermostatically controlled mixer valve to your hot water system. These valves mix cold water with the hot as it leaves the hot water tank.

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