
How to Lose Weight in Your Face

How to Lose Weight in Your Facethumbnail
Maintaining a healthy body weight is the surest way to achieve a well-balanced facial look.
The first thing anyone notices about a person is their face. Whether they look at your eyes, your mouth, or the entire package, the face is the object of focus. For this reason, you want to have the best face you can get. This doesn't mean an emaciated, skinny face, or a large chubby face. It means, a face with just the right amount of fat and suppleness. For most people, whole body weight gain and weight loss is first seen in the face, and achieving a healthy weight overall weight balance is the best way to achieve the facial look you desire.


things you'll need:

  • whole grains food
  • fresh fruits and vegetables
  • mirror
    • 1
      Stop eating refined carbohydrates and sugar. Experts believe these foods can cause swelling and inflammation of the blood vessels. A larger, puffier face is the result. Eat whole grains and fresh fruit instead of enriched flour and candy.
    • 2
      Stop taking over-the-counter medication for everyday aches and illnesses. Some over-the-counter medications can lead to facial water retention. If you can deal with the pain of a sore throat or a muscle strain without drugs, it is better for your face. Keep in mind that appropriate use of these medications is safe and will not cause any long term damage to your face. Do not stop taking medications that were persribed to you by your health care provider.
    • 3
      Reduce your salt intake. Eating too much salt can create water retention which leads to puffiness. Discontinue or limit your intake of high sodium canned soups, chips and other high salt content foods.
    • 4
      Drink plenty of water. Believe it or not, drinking eight glasses of water per day helps to rid of water retention in the body. The face holds a lot of water, so you will first notice the difference there.

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