
Holistic Skin & Body Care

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Holistic skin and body care uses nature to maintain health and wellbeing.
Holistic skin care is a modern term for an old idea---using natural ingredients combined with a whole body approach to maintaining skin beauty and health. The skin is the largest organ of the body and it connects with every major bodily system. Skin health is body health.
  1. Function

    • The sun, a poor diet including excess sugar, stress and environmental damage all negatively affect the skin cells associated with collagen and elastin development by causing free radicals that attack those cells. The result is skin with hyperpigmentation, wrinkles, dullness and lost elasticity. Holistic skin care addresses this by using a combination of diet, skin care ingredients and techniques to reduce the impact of free radical damage.


    • Natural antioxidants such as vitamins A, C and E, along with flavonoids found in soy and green tea, DMAE found in fish and carotenoids found in yellow, orange and red fruits and vegetables all directly combat free radical damage from the inside out. Holistic skin care encourages you to consume more of these beneficial nutrients and to use products without synthetic ingredients that utilize these nutrients.


    • Holistic skin therapies use natural ingredients, such as plant and flower extracts, along with gentle soothing massage techniques that aid in the restoration and maintenance of skin and body health. These techniques, when paired with the consumption of plenty of fresh water, help the body to eliminate excess toxins.

Read more: Holistic Skin & Body Care | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/facts_6833171_holistic-skin-body-care.html#ixzz1K0wZv52Z

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