
Top Tips for saving fuel

Arabian Automobiles' Top Tips for saving fuel
In light of the recent fuel shortages faced by residents of Dubai and the Northern Emirates, Arabian Automobiles, the exclusive dealer for Nissan, Infiniti and Renault in Dubai and the Northern Emirates shares few tips which can add up to fuel savings:
1. Make sure your tires are correctly inflated to the manufacturer’s recommended pressures – especially after desert driving where they may have been purposely deflated for traction.
2. Make sure your vehicle is well maintained.  Older vehicles with engines that have not been regularly serviced can use up to 50 per cent more fuel.

3. If you drive a four-wheel drive vehicle with a ‘transfer ratio box’ – make sure you drive on the highway with ‘2H’ (two-wheel drive, high ratio) selected!
4. If possible, try and avoid peak travel times when congestion is at its greatest as sitting in a traffic jam uses more fuel.
5. If possible, try to avoid carrying unnecessary weight in your vehicle – more mass to move requires the engine work harder to move that extra mass.
6. Remove roof racks when not in use – these cause extra aerodynamic drag.
7. Drive smoothly. This is much more efficient as hard accelerating and sudden braking can use up to 40 per cent more fuel. 
8. Consider the possibility of car sharing with friends and work colleagues for the commute or school run – more fuel efficient and one less car on the road.
9. Broadly speaking most cars operate at their most efficient level at around 95-100km/h in top gear – worth considering when driving on the highway.
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