
Facts about marriage that’ll make your feet cold

Facts about marriage
Marriage, the only institution that managed to remain successful even though people didn’t think highly of it! As the famous quote says, “Marriageis like the army. Everybody complains, but you'd be surprised at how many re-enlist”. Take a look at this week’s marriage facts:

1. A wedding ring is worn on the fourth finger of the left hand relating back to ancient Egypt, where it was believed that there’s a vein running from this finger directly to the heart (aka the vein of “love”).
2. Octavio Guillen and Adriana Martinez held the longest engagement on record. They dated for 67 years and finally got married when at the age of 83.

3. 2 out of 5 people married their first love, only 4% of people ask for the parents approval first, 1 in every 5 men proposes on his knees, where as 6% propose on the phone.

4. The most expensive wedding on record was a seven-day celebration of the marriage ofMohammed, son of Sheik Rashid Ben Saeed Al Maktoum, to Princess Salma. The ceremony was held in Dubai and the bill came to $44 million where the average wedding today costs around $90,000.

5. In two out of every three marriages, one of the couples had an affair. Almost 70% of all married men and 60% of married women have had previous affairs.
6.  If a marriage is replaces with an affair, it is subject to the same emotional stresses as the marriage but is twice as likely to break.
7. Albert Einstein and Charles Darwin married their first cousin, where both had exceptional children.
8. We are all cousins. No two people are more distantly related than 50th cousins.

9. The average amount of hours spent in extra house-work done by a regular housewife, is 7 hours (according to a University of Michigan study).
10. It's reported that more than 10,000 marriages a year now are directly traceable to romances which begin during coffee breaks.

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