
Stop Buying Premium Gas: It’s Like Putting a Spoiler on a Volvo

Americans waste hundreds of millions a year on a product 98% don’t need. What’s guzzling up your cash? Gas.
More specifically, premium gas. And with gas prices likely to near $4 a gallon by summer, you may want to think twice about treating your minivan.
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This is a dramatic rendering of the last time you used premium.

Why? Because 98% of cars don’t need premium gasoline, and using it means individual drivers (yeah you) could be burning as much as $100 a year…unless you’re driving a Bentley or another pricey ride, in which case, GFYS you’re excused from this lesson.
Most engines are made to use regular, 87-octane gas. (You can find this in your owner’s manual.) Treating your car to premium will offer about as much benefit as buying it chocolate and flowers: It won’t make your car run cleaner, perform better or prevent deposits.
At the rate folks drive, Americans could save $36 million a month just by doing what their owner’s manual tells them.
You know who could use that money? Not BP.
How Do We Know All This? Cuz we’re brilliant. Also:
Own one of these beauties? You have our permission to buy premium gas.
Any question this article raised, the Car Talk guys have answered.
Even the FTC wants you to stay away from premium gas.
Not convinced? OK, read this one too, from Consumer Reports.
We used these stats to figure out how much you could save. Thanks, Bureau of Transportation Statistics!

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