
How to move Dark Circles & Shadows !

Beauty Tips for Dark Circles & Shadowsthumbnail
Banish raccoon eyes using simple tricks and tips.
Banish dark circles and shadows, or at least conceal them, so no one else but you knows they are hiding underneath your beautiful eyes. There are several factors that can cause dark circles and shadows; age, for instance, will naturally thin your skin under the eye, causing the purplish veins to be more exposed. In addition to age, dark circles can also be caused due to allergies, heredity and sun exposure.
  1. Invest in a Good Concealer

    • What you cannot fix, conceal. Invest in a good concealer that is beneficial to your skin type and undertone colors. If you have problems with purple under-eye circles and shadows, invest in a yellow undertone concealer, according to "Real Simple" Magazine. The yellow will neutralize the purple, creating a more natural under-eye color. Apply the concealer with a thin concealer brush, starting from the inner corner of the eye and working your way to the outer corner of the under-eye area. Use a finger to gently dab the concealer into the skin. Allow it to sit on the skin for one to two minutes so it can dry slightly. Apply a translucent powder over the concealer to set it to the skin. Avoid rubbing foundation over the eye area because foundation will not conceal the darkness, and it will settle into any wrinkles, creating a more unattractive appearance.

    Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

    • Your mother was right when she told you to drink more water. Not only is water good for your body in general, but it can help plump up thin skin under the eye. Eight, 8-oz. glasses of water is ideal for daily consumption; however, drinking an additional 8-oz. of water right before a good night's sleep may leave you with less dark circles in the morning. During the seven to eight hours of recommended sleep per night, sleep with two pillows instead of one to keep your head elevated. This will keep the blood from settling under your eyes, and help reduce swelling and noticeable circles. You will also want to cut down on sodium and caffeine before bed, which can promote water retention under your eyes.

    Resurface Eyes Through Laser Treatment

    • Hereditary dark circles and those caused by sun exposure may need a more drastic approach to removal. "The New York Times" suggests laser surgery to resurface the under-eye skin. This procedure, which is not only painful but takes up to six weeks to recover fully from, will destroy the pigment cells that cause the purple coloration.

    Eye Creams

    • Besides drinking water, your mother probably recommended a good eye cream or two to help solve unwanted circles and shadows. In today's beauty market, there are several creams available in every price range to help rid your eyes of circles and shadows. Eye creams help to plump up the skin, which makes the veins less visible. For severe purple shadows, try a light-reflecting pigment eye cream. According to "Real Simple" Magazine, the cream will naturally brighten the area. Other creams to try are those with vitamin K, which is a skin-lightening vitamin, and creams with alpha hydroxy acid to lighten unwanted pigment, normally caused by too much sun exposure

Read more: Beauty Tips for Dark Circles & Shadows | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/info_8165174_beauty-tips-dark-circles-shadows.html#ixzz1K0CkE6Jz

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