
How to Live a Thrifty Lifestyle

How to Live a Thrifty LifestylethumbnailTake some simple steps to save money, cut your expenses and live on less


    • 1
      Shop smarter. Visit thrift stores, consignment shops and garage sales. These stores will save you money on childrens clothes, dishes, electronics, books and more. If you don't need an item right away, wait. Watch for a sale and compare prices.
    • 2
      Use coupons. Coupons can cut your grocery bill dramatically. Collect coupons from your local newspaper, online or in magazines. Most grocery stores cycle their sales every 12 weeks. So hold on to the coupons and watch the ads. You can also find help online with matching coupons to sales, just do a search for "coupon match-up."
    • 3
      Take control of the thermostat. Some energy companies will offer you a free digital thermostat with installation if you allow them to have some control over the temperature when energy use is high. Make sure you get all the details before you sign up. Also, use ceiling fans to make a room feel cooler and raise the temperature on your thermostat.
    • 4
      Make your own detergent, baby wipes, cooking mixes, etc. The internet is full of recipes to make your own items. Just do a search for "make your own ____." And many of the homemade items are more environmentally friendly.
    • 5
      Find cheap entertainment. Go to the library and check out a book instead of buying it. Visit a museum on their free admission days. Use buy one, get one coupons when you dine out. Attend a free concert, play, or movie in the park.

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