
How to Conserve for Your Water Bill

Tips From Users Like You

How to Conserve for Your Water Bill

Water is one of our most precious resources and with many states in constant droughts it's hard to do enough to conserve. You will need to conserve your water usage because of your recently tight pocketbook, or maybe because you have decided to "Go Green" and do more for the earth. In any case I have some tips and tricks that will help you to conserve water and save money on your water bill


things you'll need:

  • Your last year of water bills
  • Every bill during conservation period
  • A blank notebook or computer spreadsheet to log usage details
    • 1
      Each month you will use your blank notebook or spreadsheet to log the things you did to conserve water and which dates and times you did them. Some water companies give a detailed statement of gallon usage per hour per day on their website, but some only give total gallons used per month, so that part will depend on your water company. You can use your log to show yourself the impact your effort has on the gallons of water per month that your family uses. You will need to make a list of all of your water wasting activities and possible solutions to those activities.
      Don't be afraid to call a family meeting to talk about what your whole family can do to solve the problem. This will not be a task that you will accomplish alone if you live with others.
    • 2
      Use a timer in the shower. Try to shower as quickly as possible. If you do not need to spend 30 minutes in the shower...Don't. Good ways to reduce your shower time is by shaving your face (for men), under arms, legs, and other areas using a small amount of water in the sink before jumping in the shower. For most people, this can cut shower times by ten minutes or more.
    • 3
      Don't wash it if it's not dirty. People use most of their water using their dishwashers and washing machines with less than full loads. Don't wash clothes just because you tried them on and decided not to wear them and then threw them in the dirty clothes pile to avoid having to hang them back up right away (Yes, I have met people who do this).
    • 4
      When using your washing machine let the outlet pipe drain into a large plastic basin. This soapy water (not the bleach load) from the rinse cycle is actually a good way to water your lawn when you are in a drought or looking to conserve water.
    • 5
      Take your car to the carwash and use your quarters to wash your car. Their fast spraying hoses are far more efficient than your garden hose at washing your car anyway and when it will cost you less than five dollars in quarters to do it, you will save a lot of money on your water bill if you are a person who normally washes your car at home.
    • 6
      Fix all of your leaky pipes and toilets that run unnecessarily. One leaky pipe can drip absurd amounts of money literally down the drain if not fixed and imagine the wasting of water you are doing by letting it go unfixed.
    • 7
      Do not run the water while you are washing the dishes. Fill up the sink and wash and then turn the water back on the rinse them. It saves a great deal of gallons this way.

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