
How to Adopt a Pet in Foopets

How to Adopt a Pet in Foopetsthumbnail
You can play with virtual pets anytime and anywhere.
FooPets was invented by a real-life veterinarian. For a monthly fee or onetime payment, FooPets lets you own a virtual pet and interact with it in many of the ways you would with a real animal. You can feed, walk and play with your pet -- and even breed it.


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      Virtual pet ownership is a mouse click away
      Interact with your pet before you complete the adoption process. With a dog adoption on FooPets.com, you can throw a ball, throw a Frisbee, or give it food or water by clicking on the icons. With a cat adoption, you can let it play with a toy mouse, feed it or pour water for it.
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      Practice pet ownership online
      Click on "Adopt a pet." You will see choices of virtual dogs and cats.
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      Play fetch in your virtual world
      Mouse over the choices to see a box indicating their breed. Choose from mixed breeds and pure breeds. Click on the virtual animal you'd like to adopt. It will appear in a larger screen.
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      Type in a name for your animal. Select its gender and click "Continue with adoption."
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      Enter your personal data at each prompt, and choose your level of paid membership. Your adoption is complete -- you can now play with your new pet.

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